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You have completed a very impressive task, thank you for accepting the challenge. Congratulations! (of course if you did not cheat)
We hope that you enjoyed and learned a little bit more about the Oshawa Naval Veterans’ Club. Remember, visit our website for all things Navy Club, and sail around the website as there are many other things to see that did not appear in this quest. We do not have an app for mobile, but click here for the next best thing.
Want to be added to our Wall of Excellence for Navy Club Knowledge?
Please complete the form below to be added, and say, “I made it!”, and do not forget to add the clue code from the beginning, or you will not get added to the wall.
Wall of Excellence for Club Knowledge
Want to become an ONVC Member? Click here, to download the application and send to us at oshawa.navy.club@gmail.com