(dinner and parade have been paused until further notice, see ceremony details below)
Battle of the Atlantic – Commemoration and Luncheon
This year, we will not have the traditional dinner or parade for the Battle of the Atlantic (previous years, due to the pandemic). We will however, honour the fallen on Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 1:00 PM. Ceremony to held at the Oshawa Naval Veterans’ Club’s Cenotaph. ONVC Colour (Honour) Guard will fire a volley salute, name the ships, ring the bell and there will be lighting of the candles. Following the ceremony, we will present awards at an Awards Ceremony honouring all those shipmates who have reached milestones within the Club. A light lunch will be served afterwards.
2024 Honourees
40 YEARS |
Andy Bak |
Brian Blakney |
Andrew Lyons |
30 YEARS |
William Holroyd |
Donald Loverock |
20 YEARS |
Robert Owens |
Will Roche |
Oshawa Naval Veterans’ Club,
Nautical George Kirtley Hall, 320 Viola Ave, Oshawa, Ontario.